Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Day

Here it is in the middle of the afternoon and I haven't done a thing. I'm starting a surprise for someone near and dear to me. It is a beautiful Monday and it happens to be Groundhog Day. If the groundhog sees his shadow...spring is coming soon. Well spring will come anyway sooner or later. My dh is off to Calgary this week. I should be able to get something done, but I never do. Now I need to stay off the computer and go play with my surprise. Today is also my brother's birthday, which is also past since he is in Australia. You are getting old bro!! I hope it's as sunny in Aussie land as it is here. I know...I know you are in summer season there. So I hope you are not too hot. hahahhaa I prefer the cold to the heat anyday.

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