Here is my second try. I really like this one. I'm calling it "Pomegranate"
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Another Day with more doodling
I have had so much fun doodling these crazy designs on ATCs. Here are 3 more for you from yesterdays renderings. Went to bed after American Idol. I was tired from all the housework. Housework just interferes with my fun. Anyway it had to be done. Once in awhile you just have to help "Swifer" along and get down on your knees to get the baseboards and corners. Been working on my painting of ornaments, should be finished today. Then on to something else. I haven't reached my goal of 50 cards this month either. Only have a few more days to reach my monthly challenge.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Last ATC from yesterdays doodling
I've given this one a name. "Insanity" This is the first one that I made. It was so much fun. These are so much fun to do. Give it a try.
These ATCs are done on white bristol board, using markers. It's a great way to pass the time watching tv.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
ATC swap
I just love the fairy cards I received from Robin. Artist trading cards are just that, works of art that are traded. They are 3.5 x 2.5 and fun to work on. They are not sold but traded. They can be done in any medium you can think of. My very first one I received was also from Robin. It was fabric. Really cool.
Today's doodle art
I fell in love with doodle art so I thought I would try it tonight. I spent the day painting ornaments. I have 13 on the table now in various stages. I will try to finish them tomorrow. I hope you enjoy my doodle art. I haven't names them yet. The black and white one I think I will call it Ying & Yang. Can you think of what I should call the other three?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Another ornament that I finished this week. They are designed by Renee Mullens and painted by me.
I can't believe I didn't get much done this week. I have been too cold and not in the mood to do much. I did get 5 bookmarks finished and most of the ornaments. I played around with photo transfer technique. I will have to play alittle more with that. I'm thinking of an altered journal of sorts. Who knows. Maybe with a little encouragement I will give it a whirl. Got to let myself go and pull that artist hidden down deep come out. I know it's there.
Monday, February 16, 2009
More for this Monday
I am very busy now with swaps on different groups and hosting my own yahoogroup. Monday is always the laundry day and getting caught up from the weekend. My little group is growing and it looks like it will be a busy little place for multi media artists and for those who want to expand their horizons. Last week I did 20 out of 48 inchies that I will share with you after the swap is completed. I have a bookmark swap to complete plus two other challenges to finish this week and you have to throw in about 6 ornaments to paint as well. I would also like to start an artist journal where I can doodle and add my feelings or adventures for the day. I hope you drop by often to see just what I'm up to.
Monday, Monday

Thought I would share with you a card a did a few years ago. It is one where the background is done using Kaleidacolor ink pad and a brayer.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sand Sculpture

I think was taken in Prince Edward Island. There was a whole village of sand art. I even took my picture with potato head done in red sand. Red sand is the beauty of PEI. PEI is also known for their potatoes.
Just Made's still morning
Been wondering about art and how it has changed me. I've always been someone who was afraid to try new things incase I mess up. I don't like starting again... lol
Got to do it right the first time. I'm starting to venture out. I was also thinking about how we see things differently as an artist or crafter or whatever you want to call yourself. When you look at the sky you see the clouds differently. Even the bubble bath foam puts images in your mind. I know since I started painting, my handwriting improves except when I'm in a rush. lol I appreciate art museums more, music more, a walk around the neighbourhood more even a drive in the moonlight. I love to paint and creative things with paper although I'm still learning. There is so much out there to amuse me. Today I'm going to share a picture of our cat that I did a few years ago, but it too isn't framed yet. Also another form of art...sand sculpture. First let me introduce Mini. She is in cat heaven now. She was daddy's pride and joy.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It's Wednesday again
Where does the time go. There is so many types of art. One I enjoy looking at is photography. I'm not good at it but some many people do wonders with their camera. I want to share with you today and black and white I purchased in Old Montreal this fall. It's black and white and coloured with ink only in certain places. The artist also had a picture of a store front all in b&w and the only thing that was coloured was a flower urn on the sidewalk outside the shop. It was so effective. My picture is not framed yet.
I'm also a proud mom of a yahoogroup for those who want to share art form. It's called Art For The Creative Mind. A place we can explore and tell about it.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Middle of the week already!
Well, my friend Loreen dropped in today to paint with me. I love it when someone comes to paint. I seem to get alot more done and enjoy the conversation. I finished my book last night and of course started on another. This book is by I think the name is Karen Young. It's not a romance or mystery, but more fictional relationships between sibblings in a family where the children were separated and put in foster homes. Not far into it yet, but sounds promising. I don't like books with foul language or explicit sex or crime. I like a novel with a good story line.
Still working slowly on my new ornaments by Kay Quist. Worked on the faces today. Hope to have them done by the weekend. I don't speed painting anymore. Taking my time and enjoying it more. So what if I don't finish them this week. Who am I racing against?....hahaha I know I feel overwhelmed sometimes at all the surfaces and projects I want to paint in my lifetime, but when I rush I get panicky. Takes the fun out of life. Life is to be enjoy the journey. I think that is why I make cards. It is something different, takes my mind away from the pressures of the day. I don't need to make cards and send to everyone I know. I do it because I love to. I love to cheer someone up and surprise them with a little handmade card. Heck making cards can be taskfull too. Sometimes it takes me 4-5 hours to create that first card, so I hope those who receive them appreciate the effort I put into them. I send about 30-50 cards a month...with postage going up and up. I really should scale down.
I hope you are enjoying my musings each day. Thanks for dropping by.
Still working slowly on my new ornaments by Kay Quist. Worked on the faces today. Hope to have them done by the weekend. I don't speed painting anymore. Taking my time and enjoying it more. So what if I don't finish them this week. Who am I racing against?....hahaha I know I feel overwhelmed sometimes at all the surfaces and projects I want to paint in my lifetime, but when I rush I get panicky. Takes the fun out of life. Life is to be enjoy the journey. I think that is why I make cards. It is something different, takes my mind away from the pressures of the day. I don't need to make cards and send to everyone I know. I do it because I love to. I love to cheer someone up and surprise them with a little handmade card. Heck making cards can be taskfull too. Sometimes it takes me 4-5 hours to create that first card, so I hope those who receive them appreciate the effort I put into them. I send about 30-50 cards a month...with postage going up and up. I really should scale down.
I hope you are enjoying my musings each day. Thanks for dropping by.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A new day
I've pulled some things out of my stash to put on my new project. Now where to start? I looked outside this morning to find more snow falling. Enough already. Last night I started 6 ornaments. I'm doing some Kay Quist designs on canvas paper. I might just add some to the next ornament exchange. Basecoating is what I don't like to do. My friend Michelle came over last night to work on some of her cute angel ornaments. She is doing a terrific job. Well, this morning I planned on working on my surprise plus work on the ornaments, but instead I got caught up in a book I'm reading. It is too funny. The author's name is Kate Collins. The main character is a flower shop owner. The author has a great sense of humour and it really shows in her writings. I love myteries especially if they have some humour. I just finished a book by Beverly Lewis. They are not mysteries, but I love the old order Amish stories of people and relationships. Their good times and bad. I think I hear the book calling. Better go.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Groundhog Day
Here it is in the middle of the afternoon and I haven't done a thing. I'm starting a surprise for someone near and dear to me. It is a beautiful Monday and it happens to be Groundhog Day. If the groundhog sees his shadow...spring is coming soon. Well spring will come anyway sooner or later. My dh is off to Calgary this week. I should be able to get something done, but I never do. Now I need to stay off the computer and go play with my surprise. Today is also my brother's birthday, which is also past since he is in Australia. You are getting old bro!! I hope it's as sunny in Aussie land as it is here. I know...I know you are in summer season there. So I hope you are not too hot. hahahhaa I prefer the cold to the heat anyday.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I sketched these little portraits tonight. The center one is my friend Debby H. (Dingle). She is going to laugh at me. I've never sketched anything human since I was a child. It's been a fun day, letting my hair down and trying something new.
Ornament finished this week
This is a cute ornament designed by Corrine Riopelle and painted with acrylics by moi. I had fun painting this cute snowman. Wet on Wet technique for the snow. Little knitted hat is added. Too cute!
Hand Painted ATCs for today
All three ATCs are hand sketched, background painted with acrylics, face in watercolour, distressed with Tim Holtz distressed ink and walnut ink mist. Embellishments added.
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